During my stay in Stavanger, I collected stories of heartbreak written by locals.
The following stages of this project were then divided into two realms- public space and indoor installation.
For the outdoor part of the project, I extracted fragments of words from their stories and placed them in various locations around the city, to allow new vantage points and interpretation, both for the original authors and the passers by.
I later took the original stories that were shared with me and rearranged them as if I were making a collage and wove their stories into one, collective story of heartbreak.
This text was projected on a black pool, representing an oil reservoir of sorts.
The oil capital of Stavanger has been going through a crisis causing a wave of unemployment and affecting many facets of local reality.
I wanted to draw an analogy between these events and the notion of heartbreak, as both deal with aspects of disillusionment, readjustment and an adaptation of sorts.
The pool appears to be bottomless and is reflective, allowing the viewers to see themselves amongst the projected words.
This project was created with and for Nuart Festival, Stavanger, Norway.
Click here for a video about the project made by Kristina Borhes and Nazar Tymoshchuk.